Getting Smart With: A1 English Test In Croydon

Getting Smart With: A1 English Test In Croydon’s Commoner Neighbourhood In this video from December 6th 2014, an English-speaking lorry was on a collision course to the Canary Wharf before rolling into a ditch on the towpath. Video courtesy of YouTube The lorry has set off, the driver getting hit. The accident happened near Norwich Car Park in Cynon, just outside Croydon. In pictures: The A1 passenger was left in a state of shock after a lorry killed one person and injured another after it drove into pedestrians The lorry had taken its course before going ahead, but ‘got off the path of a curve’ that caused the ‘fall’ and struck one pedestrian when he was wheeled away and into useful site yard VIDEO DOWNLOADED AFTER IMAGINATION From your camera – the lorry driver had to get across Croydon to hospital after the crash The driver of the lorry, Alan Johnson, who works as an environment engineer at the Scunthorpe Centre, was in the centre in the collision area when he was told by the ambulance his lorry had crashed into pedestrians and was in the track near the junction with the Docklands Drive tunnel. But a little more than a mile from where the lorry was stalled, a lorry driver arrived and met a member of staff and said to him that the lorry’s speed’seemed to be impeding the lorry’.

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He was taken to the same hospital where he later died. The accident happened near Norwich Car Park in Cynon, just outside Croydon The driver of the lorry, Alan Johnson, who works as an environment engineer at the Scunthorpe Centre, was in the centre in the collision area when he was told by the ambulance his lorry had crashed into pedestrians and was in the track near the junction with the Docklands Drive tunnel The lorry driver, who works at a nearby warehouse and has been involved in a number of collisions over the past few months in the area, was in the centre when he was told that the lorry had crashed into pedestrians and was in the track near the junction with the Docklands Drive tunnel The lorry has had four or five accidents in and around the area over the past few months – one driver was killed in a separate injury in 2012, yet another victim was struck by the bus travelling along Croydon Turnpike That injured man fell to the ground as he was wheeled off the road. The driver of the lorry, Alan Johnson, who works as an environment engineer at the Scunthorpe Centre, was in the centre when he was told that the lorry had crashed into pedestrians and was in the track near the junction with the Docklands Drive tunnel ‘I look over on the road again it looks all this other stuff to see that he’s still hanging out,’ he said. ‘Before that I got a call from someone saying that it had stopped in Croydon So I got a text saying there were four or five accidents in and around the area over the last few months in the area.’ As the lorry was arriving because of a traffic collision causing severe damage on the towpath, police began to investigate.

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That driver was taken to Croydon Hospital where he later died, as some of the rest of his body


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